
Why new software and new people aren’t enough to transform your customer experience

May 03, 2023

This shift, from prioritizing an organization’s needs to making the customer’s overall experience the driving force, is an incredible opportunity to positively transform people’s trust in the government.

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Using performance testing to build resilient, accessible systems for all

April 19, 2023

A well-maintained, 10-year-old car will work fine to get you from A to B. A well-maintained bike will probably last even longer than the car. A 45-year-old landline phone can still receive and place calls. But what happens if you try to access a web page using a 3-year-old smartphone? How about a 5 or even a 10-year-old one?

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Engage developers for better platform adoption

April 12, 2023

You already know that a well-adopted, well-built technical platform can speed application delivery, allow for increased security, and embed compliance and brand standards across applications — if developers will adopt it.

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Eleanor Desai named WashingtonExec 2023 Chief Officer Awards finalist

April 06, 2023

One of Ad Hoc’s core values is to cultivate great teams. We’ve brought together people from across the country who want to focus their time and talents helping our customers provide positive, efficient experiences for the public they serve.

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Making your platform useful to developers

April 05, 2023

A technology platform can dramatically improve the delivery of government digital services — if developers will actually use it.

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Achieving greater impact for Veterans with the Veterans Experience Center

March 15, 2023

Veterans have always played a critical role in how we research and help design products for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Veteran community.

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Very long lines: The true cost of technical debt

March 08, 2023

Technical debt is real debt. It will eventually be paid by someone.

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Using human-centered design to improve customer experience: an AFCEA discussion

March 01, 2023

On January 18, 2023, leaders and executives within the public healthcare ecosystem convened at the annual AFCEA Bethesda Health IT Summit.

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The importance of adding accessibility design reviews to the design process

February 22, 2023

To create accessible and inclusive experiences, you need to pay attention to accessibility throughout your design process, not just at the end.

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Giving data a soul: Using human-centered design to create powerful data visualizations

February 15, 2023

Data visualizations are a crucial tool to help us make sense of the massive amounts of data out there, but how many times have you seen a data visualization that you couldn’t understand?

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Build an innovation culture by using data to learn, not to evaluate performance

February 08, 2023

At its best, data is a tool for learning and innovation. It can help agencies understand markets better, increase efficiency, and improve decision-making.

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Engineering chaos: a guide to building a game day

January 31, 2023

One of the critical aspects of supporting large scale infrastructure is the ability to respond to potentially harmful issues that can arise throughout a project’s lifecycle.

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