Ad Hoc statement on Black lives matter

We at Ad Hoc denounce police violence, intimidation, and oppression, which is antithetical to a free, equitable democracy. We grieve and demand justice for the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and far too many others who were stolen from us by racist police because they were Black or brown. We denounce white supremacy which has infected our nation from its birth.

We must all work together to change policing by supporting criminal justice reformers and activists, and by voting at all levels of government to elect champions of change. To that end, we are making corporate donations to Color of Change and to Fair Fight.

We demand nothing less than the recognition of the full dignity of our Black and brown siblings, who are our colleagues, peers, clients, friends, families, and selves. Ad Hoc is a company that exists because we believe that effective government can be a force for enormous good and greater well-being for all. Our hearts break not only for the Floyd and Taylor families, but for the gulf between where we are today and where we could be.

Black lives matter.

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