
Ops Camp 1.0

October 17, 2018

Ad Hoc recently held a two-day OpsCamp in Chicago, IL, focused on helping team members learn through sessions, activities, and simulations.

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Jennifer Tress joins Ad Hoc as Talent Director

August 27, 2018

As a company that provides government digital experiences that rival consumer products, our greatest asset is our people, who are skilled in everything from building efficient, scalable software, to lean product methods, to human-centered design.

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Validating business rules and building confidence through tests

July 20, 2018

Digital transformation or legacy modernization efforts, while motivated by concerns such as finances, new technology, or shifting priorities, can be risky endeavors from a logistical perspective, and are often dominated by the needs of operations.

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Award: CMS Medicare Coverage Tools

July 09, 2018

Recently Ad Hoc was awarded a task order from The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for Medicare Coverage Tools. The program centers around developing a replacement for the current Medicare Plan Finder.

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Celebrating Pride Month at Ad Hoc

June 28, 2018

In March 2017, Ad Hoc’s LGBTQ+ employees set up an #lgbtq Slack channel, and since then, Ad Hoc-ers who identify somewhere within the LGBTQ+ family share articles, swoon over Janelle Monaé’s latest, and talk about the tough stuff.

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Greg Gershman at Code for America Summit on reshaping the government technology ecosystem

June 01, 2018

Yesterday, co-founder and CEO Greg Gershman spoke at the Code for America Summit for a session on Reshaping the Government Technology Ecosystem and what was needed to effect real, sustained change at scale.

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A phased approach to modular contracting

May 30, 2018

Using multiple, small contracts does not necessarily guarantee this result, but you can build better products and get better at incorporating new information as you go.

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Ad Hoc at the Code for America Summit 2018

May 29, 2018

Hang out with Ad Hoc at this year’s Code for America Summit in Oakland, May 30 - June 1, 2018. Here’s some of the talks we’re excited about.

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Ad Hoc at RevTechX - California’s digital revolution conference

May 16, 2018

Ad Hoc CEO and co-founder Greg Gershman will speak today at a session called, From Disaster to Operational Success.

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Ad Hoc at 2018 Health Datapalooza

April 26, 2018

This morning marks the start of 2018 Health Datapalooza, “the gathering place for people and organizations creating knowledge from data and pioneering innovations that drive health policy and practice”.

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Trends at HIMSS 2018: Giving people control of their data

April 04, 2018

It’s clear that data, and making it available and usable, is an acute challenge facing the industry.

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Launch: VA appeals transparency tool

March 27, 2018

Ad Hoc helped our clients at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S Digital Service launch an improved Appeals Status tool to increase transparency and enable Veterans to track the progress of their benefits claims appeals.

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