Corporate sustainability

In line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, we’ve chosen to implement an Operational Control approach for our GHG emissions accounting and reporting. This approach allows us to focus on the emissions from facilities and operations where we have direct authority to introduce and implement operating, health and safety, and environmental policies.

As we continue to monitor and report our GHG emissions, we remain dedicated to seeking opportunities for improvements and investing in energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources.

Scope 1

  • What’s included: Direct GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by Ad Hoc
  • Reporting period: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
  • Greenhouse gas emissions: Not applicable

In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, Ad Hoc does not have any owned or controlled sources of emissions, such as fuel combustion in company-owned vehicles or emissions from manufacturing or chemical production processes.

Our operations primarily consist of developing digital services for government customers. Ad Hoc is a remote-first company, and our employees work from their homes across 45 states and DC. We have small office spaces located in Washington, DC and Columbia, MD that we use for collaborative meetings and events with our federal customers. As a result of this minimal office footprint, our environmental impact stems from indirect GHG emissions associated with purchased electricity (Scope 2 emissions) and emissions from our supply chain, employee commuting, and business travel.

Scope 2

  • What’s included: Indirect GHG emissions associated with the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, or cooling consumed by Ad Hoc.
  • Reporting period: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
  • Greenhouse gas emissions: 35.5697 metric tons (t) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

This figure was calculated based on our consumption of 93,115 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity; we consume no natural gas or steam for any of our industrial processes.

We have used the most recent emission factors associated with the PJM Interconnection, which includes Pepco (DC office) and Baltimore Gas and Electric (Columbia office), to convert our energy consumption data into GHG emissions.

Source Fuel Type Activity Data
(April 1 - March 31, 2023)
Emission Factor (t CO2e/kwh) Total Emissions (t CO2e)
Scope 2: Indirect Emissions Columbia, MD Electricity 7,188 kWh 0.0003819979 t/kWh 2.7458 t
Scope 2: Indirect Emissions Washington, DC Electricity 85,927 kWh 0.0003819979 t/kWh 32.8239 t
Total CO2e Emissions 35.5697 t

Ad Hoc is committed to reducing our environmental impact and improving the sustainability of our operations. To minimize our Scope 2 emissions, we have implemented various measures, including the following:

  1. We encourage our employees to use energy-efficient devices, such as Energy Star-rated laptops, monitors, and peripherals.
  2. We choose cloud service providers with a strong commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency, including ones powered by renewable energy or with energy-efficient cooling systems.
  3. As a remote company, we leverage virtual meetings, conferences, and events to reduce the need for business travel, which contributes to Scope 3 emissions.
  4. Through our online learning management system, we offer training and resources to support employee awareness on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable practices. Doing so helps increase employee engagement in Ad Hoc’s environmental initiatives.

We will continue to monitor our Scope 2 emissions and identify opportunities to further reduce our environmental impact in line with our commitment to sustainability and global climate change mitigation efforts.

Scope 3

  • What’s included: Indirect GHG emissions that occur in the value chain of Ad Hoc, including both upstream and downstream emissions related to business travel and employee commuting.
  • Reporting period: Jan 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
  • Greenhouse gas emissions: 29.4690 metric tons (t) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
Source Activity Data
(April 1 - March 31, 2023)
Emission Factor (t CO2e/km) Total Emissions (t CO2e)
Scope 3: Indirect Emissions Business Travel “Air” 133,698 km
(83,076 miles)
0.00008018 t/km 10.7170 t
Scope 3: Indirect Emissions Business Travel “Road” 7,821 km
(4,860 miles)
0.0002 t/km 1.5640 t
Scope 3: Indirect Emissions Employee Commuting 85,939 km
(53,400 miles)
0.0002 t/km 17.1880 t
Total CO2e Emissions 29.4690 t

To accurately convert these varied activities into GHG emissions, we have used the most relevant emission factors and adhered to the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard. This standard provides guidance for calculating and reporting emissions – specifically business travel using the distance-based method and employee travel using the average-data method. This ensures a holistic approach to understanding our broader climate impact and informs our strategies for reducing emissions beyond our direct operations.