Sophia Dengo

Sophia Dengo's blog posts

For remote work, try starting with trust

If your team is new to remote work, spend as much time setting up an environment based on trust as you are setting up technical tools to make it possible.

Design systems in government: How to ease handoffs

The end of a contract and subsequent transition represents a risk: not only will the system potentially sit idle or be forgotten, but the culture change you’ve been trying to effect may stop as well.

Design systems in government: When to start

These two systems provide a helpful contrast for what it looks like when you begin a project with a design system and when you add it later. Let’s dig in.

Sophia’s #remotelife at Ad Hoc

I love the flexibility to cowork with other members of Ad Hoc when I need human contact, or to hole up in my basement den when I need to focus in solitude.