Current state of Ad Hoc

Topics: News

As a follow-up to our report on our Retreat, I wanted to publish some information about our company. As we hire new people, talk with new partners, and engage with new clients, we find that we tell the company story again and again, so I wanted to capture some facts here for all to see and to make those conversations more substantive.

Managing growth

Ad Hoc has 76 employees and 8 contractors spread over 22 states and the District of Columbia.


We’ve added 48 team members since our last Retreat, held in August 2016.

We’re investing in building a remote-first company that values time together. Since the last Retreat, I’ve traveled to cowork with our teams in Baltimore, Chicago, and New England, and we’ve opened a small coworking space in Washington, D.C. We balance remote work while valuing face-to-face time.

Ad Hoc is investing in team member benefits. Since our last Retreat, we’ve added more health insurance coverage, a 401k Plan w/ home loan option, profit sharing, family medical leave, and extended our new hire referral bonus plan.

Ad Hoc has instituted Tiger Teams, a group of team members charged with coming up with Ad Hoc’s approach to a particular area of our company. We have Tiger Teams focused on improving diversity and inclusion at Ad Hoc, another working to define our internal employee policies, and another working on coming up with how we want to evaluate performance. We believe in empowering our team to create our culture, and I am continually amazed by our team members’ passion to create an amazing place to work.

Building products

In March, we launched Cohorts, a service of Ad Hoc that allows us to conduct incisive research with groups of relevant people to make government digital services work better for all.

We supported our client, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in the 2017 Open Enrollment Period through our CMS WDS program, where we manage, develop, and maintain 15 separate products that help power the user experience. Approximately 12.2 million consumers selected or were automatically re-enrolled in Marketplace plans.

In the program, we launched a group of new features enabling Veterans to better apply, track, and manage their benefits. The new features include: application for education benefits, a new G.I. Bill comparison tool, and disability claim status.

We also began work on our first project supporting the CMS Quality Payment Program, designing and building the new Our team is responsible for user research, UX design, branding, as well as software development. We launched a new design for the site.

More to come

We’ve begun work on a number of internal products, and have a few new client projects in the work. Check back soon!

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